Constellation Table |
No. |
Abbrev. |
Constellation |
Genitive |
English Name |
Area |
Hem. |
Alpha Star |
1 |
And |
Andromeda |
Andromedae |
Andromeda |
722 |
NH |
Alpheratz |
2 |
Ant |
Antlia |
Antliae |
Air Pump |
239 |
SH |
3 |
Aps |
Apus |
Apodis |
Bird of Paradise |
206 |
SH |
4 |
Aqr |
Aquarius |
Aquarii |
Water Carrier |
980 |
SH |
Sadalmelik |
5 |
Aql |
Aquila |
Aquilae |
Eagle |
652 |
Altair |
6 |
Ara |
Ara |
Arae |
Altar |
237 |
SH |
7 |
Ari |
Aries |
Arietis |
Ram |
441 |
NH |
Hamal |
8 |
Aur |
Auriga |
Aurigae |
Charioteer |
657 |
NH |
Capella |
9 |
Boo |
Bootes |
Bootis |
Herdsman |
907 |
NH |
Arcturus |
10 |
Cae |
Caelum |
Caeli |
Chisel |
125 |
SH |
11 |
Cam |
Camelopardalis |
Camelopardalis |
Giraffe |
757 |
NH |
12 |
Cnc |
Cancer |
Cancri |
Crab |
506 |
NH |
Acubens |
13 |
CVn |
Canes Venatici |
Canun Venaticorum |
Hunting Dogs |
465 |
NH |
Cor Caroli |
14 |
CMa |
Canis Major |
Canis Majoris |
Big Dog |
380 |
SH |
Sirius |
15 |
CMi |
Canis Minor |
Canis Minoris |
Little Dog |
183 |
NH |
Procyon |
16 |
Cap |
Capricornus |
Capricorni |
Goat ( Capricorn ) |
414 |
SH |
Algedi |
17 |
Car |
Carina |
Carinae |
Keel |
494 |
SH |
Canopus |
18 |
Cas |
Cassiopeia |
Cassiopeiae |
Cassiopeia |
598 |
NH |
Schedar |
19 |
Cen |
Centaurus |
Centauri |
Centaur |
1060 |
SH |
Rigil Kentaurus |
20 |
Cep |
Cepheus |
Cephei |
Cepheus |
588 |
SH |
Alderamin |
21 |
Cet |
Cetus |
Ceti |
Whale |
1231 |
SH |
Menkar |
22 |
Cha |
Chamaleon |
Chamaleontis |
Chameleon |
132 |
SH |
23 |
Cir |
Circinus |
Circini |
Compasses |
93 |
SH |
24 |
Col |
Columba |
Columbae |
Dove |
270 |
SH |
Phact |
25 |
Com |
Coma Berenices |
Comae Berenices |
Berenice's Hair |
386 |
NH |
Diadem |
26 |
CrA |
Corona Australis |
Coronae Australis |
Southern Crown |
128 |
SH |
27 |
CrB |
Corona Borealis |
Coronae Borealis |
Northern Crown |
179 |
NH |
Alphecca |
28 |
Crv |
Corvus |
Corvi |
Crow |
184 |
SH |
Alchiba |
29 |
Crt |
Crater |
Crateris |
Cup |
282 |
SH |
Alkes |
30 |
Cru |
Crux |
Crucis |
Southern Cross |
68 |
SH |
Acrux |
31 |
Cyg |
Cygnus |
Cygni |
Swan |
804 |
NH |
Deneb |
32 |
Del |
Delphinus |
Delphini |
Dolphin |
189 |
NH |
Sualocin |
33 |
Dor |
Dorado |
Doradus |
Goldfish |
179 |
SH |
34 |
Dra |
Draco |
Draconis |
Dragon |
1083 |
NH |
Thuban |
35 |
Equ |
Equuleus |
Equulei |
Little Horse |
72 |
NH |
Kitalpha |
36 |
Eri |
Eridanus |
Eridani |
River |
1138 |
SH |
Achernar |
37 |
For |
Fornax |
Fornacis |
Furnace |
398 |
SH |
38 |
Gem |
Gemini |
Geminorum |
Twins |
514 |
NH |
Castor |
39 |
Gru |
Grus |
Gruis |
Crane |
366 |
SH |
Al Na'ir |
40 |
Her |
Hercules |
Herculis |
Hercules |
1225 |
NH |
Rasalgethi |
41 |
Hor |
Horologium |
Horologii |
Clock |
249 |
SH |
42 |
Hya |
Hydra |
Hydrae |
Hydra ( Sea Serpent ) |
1303 |
SH |
Alphard |
43 |
Hyi |
Hydrus |
Hydri |
Water Serpen ( male ) |
243 |
SH |
44 |
Ind |
Indus |
Indi |
Indian |
294 |
SH |
45 |
Lac |
Lacerta |
Lacertae |
Lizard |
201 |
NH |
46 |
Leo |
Leo |
Leonis |
Lion |
947 |
NH |
Regulus |
47 |
LMi |
Leo Minor |
Leonis Minoris |
Smaller Lion |
232 |
NH |
48 |
Lep |
Lepus |
Leporis |
Hare |
290 |
SH |
Arneb |
49 |
Lib |
Libra |
Librae |
Balance |
538 |
SH |
Zubenelgenubi |
50 |
Lup |
Lupus |
Lupi |
Wolf |
334 |
SH |
Men |
51 |
Lyn |
Lynx |
Lyncis |
Lynx |
545 |
NH |
52 |
Lyr |
Lyra |
Lyrae |
Lyre |
286 |
NH |
Vega |
53 |
Men |
Mensa |
Mensae |
Table |
153 |
SH |
54 |
Mic |
Microscopium |
Microscopii |
Microscope |
210 |
SH |
55 |
Mon |
Monoceros |
Monocerotis |
Unicorn |
482 |
SH |
56 |
Mus |
Musca |
Muscae |
Fly |
138 |
SH |
57 |
Nor |
Norma |
Normae |
Square |
165 |
SH |
58 |
Oct |
Octans |
Octantis |
Octant |
291 |
SH |
59 |
Oph |
Ophiucus |
Ophiuchi |
Serpent Holder |
948 |
Rasalhague |
60 |
Ori |
Orion |
Orionis |
Orion |
594 |
Betelgeuse |
61 |
Pav |
Pavo |
Pavonis |
Peacock |
378 |
SH |
Peacock |
62 |
Peg |
Pegasus |
Pegasi |
Winged Horse |
1121 |
NH |
Markab |
63 |
Per |
Perseus |
Persei |
Perseus |
615 |
NH |
Mirfak |
64 |
Phe |
Phoenix |
Phoenicis |
Phoenix |
469 |
SH |
Ankaa |
65 |
Pic |
Pictor |
Pictoris |
Easel |
247 |
SH |
66 |
Psc |
Pisces |
Piscium |
Fishes |
889 |
NH |
Alrischa |
67 |
PsA |
Pisces Austrinus |
Pisces Austrini |
Southern Fish |
245 |
SH |
Fomalhaut |
68 |
Pup |
Puppis |
Puppis |
Stern |
673 |
SH |
69 |
Pyx |
Pyxis |
Pyxidis |
Compass |
221 |
SH |
70 |
Ret |
Reticulum |
Reticuli |
Reticle |
114 |
SH |
71 |
Sge |
Sagitta |
Sagittae |
Arrow |
80 |
NH |
72 |
Sgr |
Sagittarius |
Sagittarii |
Archer |
867 |
SH |
Rukbat |
73 |
Sco |
Scorpius |
Scorpii |
Scorpion |
497 |
SH |
Antares |
74 |
Scl |
Sculptor |
Sculptoris |
Sculptor |
475 |
SH |
75 |
Sct |
Scutum |
Scuti |
Shield |
109 |
SH |
76 |
Ser |
Serpens |
Serpentis |
Serpent |
637 |
Unuck al Hai |
77 |
Sex |
Sextans |
Sextantis |
Sextant |
314 |
SH |
78 |
Tau |
Taurus |
Tauri |
Bull |
797 |
NH |
Aldebaran |
79 |
Tel |
Telescopium |
Telescopii |
Telescope |
252 |
SH |
80 |
Tri |
Triangulum |
Trianguli |
Triangle |
132 |
NH |
Ras al Mothallah |
81 |
TrA |
Triangulum Australe |
Trianguli Australis |
Southern Triangle |
110 |
SH |
Atria |
82 |
Tuc |
Tucana |
Tucanae |
Toucan |
295 |
SH |
83 |
UMa |
Ursa Major |
Ursae Majoris |
Great Bear |
1280 |
NH |
Dubhe |
84 |
UMi |
Ursa Minor |
Ursae Minoris |
Little Bear |
256 |
NH |
Polaris |
85 |
Vel |
Vela |
Velorum |
Sails |
500 |
SH |
86 |
Vir |
Virgo |
Virginis |
Virgin |
1294 |
Spica |
87 |
Vol |
Volans |
Volantis |
Flying Fish |
141 |
SH |
88 |
Vul |
Vulpecula |
Vulpeculae |
Fox |
268 |
NH |
Asterisms are sub- or supersets of constellations
which build a constellation itself, or a group of stars, physically related or not. Best kown is the Big Dipper as a part
of the Great Bear. But there are more than just this one. Below you find the:
Beehive |
Located in the constellation Cancer. It is an open star cluster, which is also called Praesepe or M44 and faintly visible to the
naked eye. With the stars gamma Can and delta Can it forms another asterisms
called the Asses and the Manger.
Belt of Orion |
is being formed by the stars delta
Ori, epsilon Ori and zeta
Ori; in Latin Amerika it is called the "Three Marys".
Bier |
is being built by the four stars alpha
UMa, beta UMa, gamma UMa and delta
Big Dipper |
most famous asterism. Formed by the following Stars of the Great Bear alpha UMa, beta UMa, gamma UMa, delta UMa, epsilon UMa, zeta UMa and eta UMa, it is often called "Wain" (Wagon) or "Charles's Wain" because of
its resemblance with it when the Dipper handle is thought to be the wagon tongue.
Bull of Poniatowski |
A T-shaped asterism just east of gamma
Oph; it is formed by the stars 66 Oph, 67 Oph, 68 Oph and 70 Oph
Circlet |
the western fish; the circlet is formed by gamma
Psc, b Psc, theta Psc, iota Psc, 19 Psc, lambda Psc and kappa
Coalsack |
Actually this is not a true asterism, but a dark patch on the Milky Way,
in the constellation Crux. By the African Bushmen it was called "Old
Frederick's Glory |
is formed by iota And, kappa And, lambda And and psi And
Guardians of the Pole |
just beta UMi and gamma UMi
Head of Cetus |
presented by alpha Cet, gamma Cet, xi_2 Cet, mu Cet and lambda
Heavenly G |
nine bright stars forming a G-shaped group. Seven of these stars are of 1st
magnitude. In order they are: Aldebaran (alpha Tau), Capella (alpha Aur), Castor (alpha Gem), Pollux
(beta Gem), Procyon (alpha CMi), Sirius (alpha CMa), Rigel (beta Ori), Bellatrix (gamma Ori)
and Betelgeuse (alpha Ori)
Hyades |
open cluster; V-shaped group superposed on alpha
Tau, gamma Tau, delta
Tau and epsilon Tau
Hydra Head |
build by delta Hya, epsilon Hya, zeta Hya, eta Hya, rho Hya and sigma Hya
Job's Coffin |
formed by the four stars alpha
Del, beta Del, gamma
Del and delta Del
Keystone |
is formed by the epsilon
Her, zeta Her, eta
Her and pi Her
Kids |
are called epsilon Aur, zeta Aur and eta
Lozenge |
build by the four stars beta
Dra, gamma Dra, xi
Dra and nu Dra
Milk Dipper |
The following five members of the constallation Sagittarius can be interpreted as an
inverted dipper in the Milky Way: zeta Sgr, tau
Sgr, sigma Sgr, phi
Sgr and lambda Sgr.
This asterism is also known as The Teapot.
Northern Cross |
is formed by the leading stars of the constellation Cygnus: alpha Cyg, beta
Cyg, gamma Cyg, delta
Cyg and epsilon Cyg
Northern Fly |
This is a small triangle over the rear of Aries
Pleiades |
Located in the constellation Taurus. This open star cluster is one of the Messier objects, M45. It also known as Seven Sisters or, in
Latin America the Seven Little Goats
Segment of Perseus |
the stars eta Per, gamma Per, alpha Per, delta Per, epsilon Per and zeta Per forming
an arc. |
Sickle |
formed by alpha Leo, eta Leo, gamma Leo, zeta Leo, mu Leo and epsilon Leo
Square of Pegasus |
At the edges of that square you find alpa
Peg, beta Peg, gamma
Peg and alpha And
Sword of Orion |
theta Ori and iota Ori; between them the famous Orion Nebula (M42) is located.
Venus Mirror |
also on Orion; the belt stars (delta Ori, epsilon
Ori and zeta Ori),
the sword and eta Ori build
up this asterism. The sword forms the handle of the diamond-shaped mirror.
Y of Aquarius |
also called Water Jar;
the Y is build by gamma Aqr, eta
Aqr, pi Aqr and zeta Aqr
