Planet |
g |
vesc |
distance |
albedo |
temperature |
atm. press. |
atm. comp. |
rotation |
mag. field |
(* gE) |
(km/s) |
(A.U.) |
(%) |
(K) |
(* Earth's) |
(* Earth's) |
Mercury |
0.378 |
4.3 |
0.387 |
5.6 |
100 night, 590--725 day |
10-15 |
98% He, 2% H2 |
58.81 d |
0.006 |
Venus |
0.907 |
10.36 |
0.723 |
72 |
737 |
92 |
96.5% CO2, 3.5% N2, 0.015% SO2 |
243.69 d |
0.00 |
Earth |
1.000 |
11.186 |
1.000 |
38.5 |
283--293 day |
1.000 |
78.084% N2, 20.946% O2, 0.934% Ar, 0.035% CO2, H2O highly variable (< 1%) |
23.9345 h |
1.000 |
Mars |
0.377 |
5.03 |
1.524 |
16 |
184--242 day |
0.007--0.009 |
95.32% CO2, 2.7% N2 1.6% Ar, 0.13% O2, 0.08% CO, 0.021% H2O, 0.01%
NO |
24.623 h |
0.00 |
Jupiter |
2.364 |
59.5 |
5.203 |
70 |
165 |
> > 100 |
89% H2, 11% He, 0.2% CH4, 0.02% NH3 |
9.925 h |
19,519 |
Saturn |
0.916 |
35.5 |
9.539 |
75 |
134 |
> > 100 |
89% H2, 11% He, 0.3% CH4, 0.02% NH3 |
10.50 h |
578 |
Uranus |
0.889 |
21.3 |
19.182 |
90 |
76 |
> > 100 |
89% H2, 11% He |
17.24 h |
47.9 |
Neptune |
1.125 |
23.5 |
30.06 |
82 |
72 |
> > 100 |
89% H2, 11% He |
16.11 h |
27.0 |
Pluto |
0.0675 |
1.1 |
39.53 |
14.5 |
50 |
0.003 |
CH4, N2 |
6.405 d |
0.00 |
Notes: Surface
gravity g is given
in Earth gravities (1 gE = 9.803 m/s2); escape velocity is vesc; albedo is the
percent of ALL of the Sun's energy hitting the planet that is reflected (100% would be perfect reflection);temperature and surface
gravity for
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune are given at a depth where the atmospheric pressure = 1 Earth atmosphere; atmospheric
pressure (atm.
press.) is at the surface (> > 100 for the jovian planets); rotation is the
sidereal rotation period, h = hours and d = days; magnetic field (mag. field) is the total strength (NSSDC
gives strength in #gauss × Rplanet3, where Rplanet is the radius of the planet and Earth's
strength = 0.3076 gauss × RE3 =
7.981×1010 gauss.
