The League Of Extraordinary Chess Players
Jan 25 2002 Black Holes to be created
Strange News from the Jax Chess News
The Queens Gambit Declined Slav Defense 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6
End Game Lesson
Opening Lesson 1
Opening Lesson 2
Opening Lesson 3
Opening Lesson 4
Opening Lesson 5
Opening Lesson 6
Opening Lesson 7
Jacques Meises Dutch defence 1. d4 f5 2. g3 b6
The Staunton Gambit 1.d4 f5 2.e4
Scholastic pictures and crosstables

Black Holes to be created


Strange Chess News By Bradley Zang

 While America is gloating about our possible creation of gluon plasma at Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, NY.

Europe is planning their one upmanship for 2005.

When CERN, Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nuclear (The European laboratory for particle physics.) will complete the worlds largest particle accelerator near Geneva designed to create black holes.

Believe it or not CERN has a chess group. A rare cadre of Chess physicist, engineers, chemists. None have so much as mentioned Richard Reti Tunguska event calculation.

Reti was one of the first people to claim that On June 30th, 1908, a tiny black hole passed through the earth and destroyed about 850 square kilometer of Siberian taigà (forest). Most people even today believe it was a meteor or astroid that disintegrated before it hit the earth because the black hole should have created damage at its exit point.

 Johnny Mirers a chess player and physicist not with CERN claims the exit point could have been a great ocean or a different time when the earth was on the other side of the Sun.

Another physicist David Melville not with CERN claims creating a black hole may mean the end of the earth. Chess Coach Gerry says, ' it seems to me chess players are the only ones that know even the best of Idea's can go wrong! Chernoble was an experiment! Just maybe Ross Perot was right when he said " we will hear a giant sucking sound from Mexico"'

 The doomsday theory goes like this If a black hole is created by Heavy Ion Collision and it doesn't immediately decay emitting Hawkings Radiation leaving an electron, photon, and muon. It could grow exponentially trapping everything inside the Schwartzchild radius including light. Sink to the center of the earth ( sort of a black hole China Syndrome) eventually absorbing the World.

 In Chess we would call this a smother mate. While people at the Brookhaven institute in America are quoted as saying 'we are certainly not trying to destroy the world' ( They are limiting energy levels for their Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions to be within the spectrum of energies encompassed by naturally occurring cosmic radiation. Hoping the stability of the observed universe is empirical proof that these energy levels do not produce a black hole China syndrome) They have not yet commented on CERN.

 CERN is not concerned about energy levels say's a French chess player. One Swiss Chess player is quoted as saying "the Americans won't be able to save the world this time." Not all scientists are dooms dayers like David Melville. Some chess playing physicists like Johnny Mirers suggest that super small black holes would easily pass through small pin prick holes in the fabric of space time and that perhaps one black hole that will be created in 2005 did exactly that when it passed through the earth in 1908 causing the Tunguska event. (I know its a little hard to comprehend but the fabric of space time if put under a some imaginary super microscope may have little perforations that may explains why quantum physics doesn't correlate to relativity.)

Assuming no tiny black hole time travel, we have to include in our calculations factors like the spin and velocity of the earth and the angular momentum of the black hole. The Tunguska event seems to fit the mathematical model developed by famous mathematician and chess Grand Master Richard Reti.

Anyway Johnny Mirers say's a Tunguska like event in Switzerland would have little effect on you in American its probably a lot less then the calculated 2000 time the force of the atomic bomb released on Hiroshima. The CERN Chess Club has had tournaments against Fermi labs via the internet billed as the High Energy Physics Collision (Noah probably had to put up with this type of humor).

 Anyway some of the repartee coming out of those matches included a wonderful Idea. Gerald Sohn an observer from the Orange Park Chess Club has chosen this idea as his Holy Grail. He plans to use a Ham Radio to upload every thing worth knowing about chess including the ECO and MCO to as many satellites as possible by the end of 2004. This might preserve the game incase of our implosion.

It does this old chess players heart good to know that while the chess players at CERN may be actively involved in the destruction of the earth. Some chess players like Gerald are actively trying to preserve the game for future visitors to our solar system. If you would like to help Gerald with this Herculean task write him at